No matter how you choose to protect your pet, BRAVECTO offers a range of long-lasting treatment options.


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Bravecto Chew for Dogs range




Bravecto Spot-on for Cats range


Bravecto Plus range


BRAVECTO QUANTUM - 12 months of flea and tick protection for dogs in just one dose – available only from your vet
Bravecto Quantum Logo
BRAVECTO QUANTUM - Flea and Tick Protection 1 Year
  • 12 months of flea and tick protection for dogs in just one dose – available only from your vet
  • Convenient year-long flea and tick protection – no need to remember monthly treatments
  • Just one dose kills existing and new flea infestations as well as helping control environmental populations for a full year. This reduces the health threat fleas pose to both dogs and humans1.


Bravecto Chew for Dogs
Bravecto Chew for Dogs
  • Treat every 3 months for flea and tick protection
  • Also provides treatment of ear mites, demodex mites and sarcoptes mites
  • Indirectly reduces flea tapeworm infestations by effective flea control
  • Easy to give tasty chew that dogs love
  • Safe for use in breeding, pregnant and lactating dogs
  • Ideal for dogs that love to swim


Bravecto Spot-on for Dogs
  • Treat every 6 months for flea protection
  • Treat every 4 months for tick protection
  • Also treats ear mites, demodex mites and sarcoptes mites
  • Indirectly reduces flea tapeworm infestations by effective flea control
  • Simple and convenient TWIST-N-USE spot-on application
  • Safe for use in breeding, pregnant and lactating dogs


Bravecto Spot-on for Cats
Bravecto Spot-on for Cats
  • Treat every 3 months for flea and tick protection
  • Also treats ear mites and may be used as part of a treatment strategy for the control of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD)
  • Simple and convenient TWIST-N-USE spot-on application


Bravecto Plus for Cats
Bravecto Plus for Cats
  • Treat every 3 months for flea, tick and worm protection
  • Also treats ear mites and lungworm
  • May be used as part of treatment strategy for control of flea allergy dermatitis (FAD)
  • Simple and convenient TWIST-N-USE spot-on application

Why protection matters

Fleas, and in some regions ticks, are a common problem for pets. Give your pets the extraordinary flea and tick protection they deserve. Learn more about the benefits of treatment that lasts at least 3 times longer than monthly treatments and breaks the flea life cycle in just one dose.

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Gaps in protection can occur when flea treatments are not administered at the correct treatment interval.

A single treatment using a monthly product will not stop the flea life cycle and gaps in this treatment may lead to reinfestation of your pet and contamination of your home environment.2-5

Just one dose of BRAVECTO can eliminate a flea infestation on your pet and within your home, offering you both convenience and peace of mind2.

Fleas love warmth and humidity. The combination of recent warmer winter temperatures, along with heating in our homes, creates an environment conducive for fleas to sustain their life cycle across all seasons, even in winter.

Just 10 adult female fleas can produce 500 eggs every day.

This is why consistent and effective flea control is necessary to break the flea life cycle throughout the year – no matter the season.

BRAVECTO is not a repellent. Adult fleas must jump onto your pet, bite and consume a blood meal before they are killed.

BRAVECTO breaks the flea life cycle by killing the female flea before she is able to lay eggs.

However, the adult fleas that you see on your pet are only the tip of the iceberg. 95% of the flea population (eggs, larvae and pupae) exists in your home environment, and it can take many months for these immature stages to develop into adults.

Just one dose of BRAVECTO will break the entire flea life cycle, however, patience is required whilst those immature stages develop into adults.

Some tips to speed up the control of environmental flea stages include regular vacuuming, steam mopping, hot washing of bedding and ensuring all pets in the household are treated regularly with an effective flea preventative product.

When fleas are in the process of dying their movements become uncoordinated. This may cause a skin sensation which can result in increased scratching of the pet. However, this phenomenon is quickly resolved once the fleas are dead.

1. Data on File. MSD Animal Health.

2. Dryden M et al. In-home assessment of either topical fluralaner or topical selamectin for flea control in naturally infested cats in West Central Florida,  s. Parasites & Vectors. 2018;11:422. https://parasitesandvectors.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13071-018-2995-1.

3. Williams H et al. Fluralaner, a novel isoxazoline, prevents flea (Ctenocephalides felis) reproduction in vitro and in a simulated home environment. Parasites & Vectors. 2014;7:275. https://parasitesandvectors.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1756-3305-7-275.

4. Dryden M et al. Efficacy of fluralaner flavored chews (BRAVECTO®) administered to dogs against the adult cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis felis and egg production. Parasites & Vectors. 2015;8:364. https://parasitesandvectors.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13071-015-0965-4.

5. Dryden M et al. Evaluation of fluralaner and afoxolaner treatments to control flea populations, reduce pruritus and minimize dermatologic lesions in naturally infested dogs in private residences in west central Florida USA. Parasites & Vectors. 2016;9:365.

BRAVECTO QUANTUM requires vet authorisation, ACVM no: A011993. BRAVECTO ACVM No’s: A011019, A011261 & A011446.